Children are expected to wear full uniform, however please be aware that on colder days they may want
to wear layers. On PE days they can come in to school in their PE kits. Please ensure that these are warm
clothes as the majority of our PE lessons will be outside. Class teachers will let parents know when their
PE days are.

The weather is very changeable at the moment, therefore please send your child in with a coat each
day and extra layers on colder days. If they do not have a coat they will still need to go outside.
We believe that wearing smart school uniform is very important. First and foremost, it identifies children
as belonging to World’s End Junior School. It also prevents arguments among the children about who
has the latest clothing and there are no arguments in the morning about what they are going to wear
that day.

Our uniform is very simple to provide:
PE Kit (Girls & Boys)
Our logo uniform can be purchased from Somal Fashions on Faraday Avenue, alternatively a green
sweatshirt can be purchased. However, please note that there is no expectation for our parents to purchase any items of clothing with our school logo attached.

If you are having difficulty purchasing school uniform then please contact the School for assistance.
Would parents please note that all items of uniform should be clearly marked with your
child’s name. Please use either permanent marker or name tags.

Make-up, nail varnish, severe haircuts, ‘tramlines’ and elaborate hair accessories are not acceptable for school.

On health and Safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school. The exceptions to this are stud ear-rings. We ask the children to remove these during PE lessons or, if they cannot be removed, to cover them with a plaster brought from home. This is to prevent them from causing an injury. If a child wishes to wear jewellery which holds a religious significance, this will of course be permitted.