4th January 2021: Update following the Prime Ministerial announcement


July 3, 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following the announcement from Prime Minister Boris Johnson this evening, Beeston Primary School will close as we once again enter lockdown.

It was announced at 8pm this evening that schools will now be closed to at least February half term. Clearly, we have all found this out together and we are really disappointed that school will now not open tomorrow as planned.

Please allow senior leaders time, over the next few days, to set up remote learning again for all classes and to receive further guidance from the Government.

School will re-open in the near future for pupils of critical keyworkers and those children who are identified as vulnerable.

Further information on how to apply for one of these school places will be available tomorrow. We aim to re-open school to critical keyworker pupils on Monday 11th January 2021.

All information will be posted on our Facebook page and website. Please check daily.

Together we will get through this. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school as soon as we can.

Best wishes

The Senior Leadership Team